Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Don't Dream it, be it"

I haven't written much so far this year. I spend a lot (and it is a lot!) of time thinking about how my life will be when, how I'll feel, how I'll live & what I'll write about when i am a writer, but for some reason my brain doesn't compute that being a writer is dependant on writing. If don't write ~ ever, anything! ~ then I am not a writer!
I am currently using a forward time-line hypnosis technique, which aims to plant images of yourself in your subconscious at various future points (1 month, 1 year, 3 years, and so on) doing what you desire and aspire to, the premise being that your subconscious cannot tell the difference between a real and an imagined event. So, if my sub-conscious is tricked into believing that I am a diligent and committed writer, well then that is what I'll end up being. Is it working yet? Well, I've only been at it 2 nights (and both times I think I fell asleep ~ or maybe i just "tranced out"?!) so it's too early to say, but hey, I'm here typing this, so looks like I am making some progress......

After many years of prevarication I am now aiming to pursue my literary ambitions with serious dedication and application.
This diary is where I will chart my progress, recording my successes, rejections, triumphs and struggles.
Hope you enjoy it ~ all comments welcome!
Kate K