Thursday, April 20, 2006

Yes, I have indeed been useless at blogging of late ~ combination of things have conspired to weigh me down: essay due for the psych degree I'm studying (amost finished!), gathering careers advice for self-same impending graduation (any suggestions for job ideas for a struggling novice writer with a BA in English Lit & a BSC in psychology?! Clinical psych is the way I want to go but the training is long & poorly paid ~ although you do hit big buckeroos when you qualify.....eventually), trying to get some research done for the work-in-progress, trying to get a mozart based short story finished for a comp with a looming deadline, trying to get the planting doen in the graden that technically should have been done last month (err, whoops), training for the charity runs I've got coming up.....

....not forgetting the day job....and the family brithdays, and the cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry, sleeping.... and (drum roll, please) rehearsing the play I'm in which goes on in about 3 1/2 weeks. I am venturing back onto the stage after two years absense due to work commitments, and whilst i am absolutely loving being back onstage (and in such a lovel cast, well written play, great directors, ace part (playing my actual age for once!) it is time consuming & i fear that this time I really have taken on too much. This might be me heading for serious exhaustion.

All of this might explain why i seeming to be edging back into the "dark place", where I haven't been for years....I am hoping this is purely circumstantial, and not a recurrence of the full-blown, debilitating depression I have suffered from in the past. Fingers crossed. Everything should have calmed down considerably in about 5 weeks time, so I'll see what happens then. In the meantime I've bought a couple of cd's of Buddhist chants, and plan to lie in a darkened room listening to them to see if that soothes me. And i've given up alcohol for the time being as i don't think hangovers help the general mind-set much.....

Speaking of depression, I hope that poor Katie Holmes doesn't suffer from it post-natally. Tiny Tom is hardly likely to provide a sympathetic shoulder to cry on, eh?


As I am SO far out of the acting loop I bought myself this ~ apparently she teaches a lot of big names (although she's hardly going to put "Acting coach to the terminally unsuccessful" on the book-jacket, I suppose!) Can't tell if its helping the acting yet, but it has yielded some ideas for characterisation & scene structure which i am feeding into my writing, with pleasing results.
