Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Writer's blog

When I started blogging I had no real idea how to go about it. What would I write? Would people read it? How would I know if people read it? If no-one read it what was the point ~ vanity? fear of mortality? arrogance? If I did get any readers, would they be perturbed by the amount of rhetorical questions I posed? What would they do if they were perturbed? How would I know? Did it matter?

So, one day, after several months of skating around and rejecting the blog idea every time it tapped me on the shoulder and cleared its throat, I was struck with the idea of creating a hook to hang my blogging hat on. Rather than regale what could eventually become literally tens of people with details of my relationship woes, friendships dilemmas, & choices of lunch-time sandwich, I would tickle two birds with one feather and make my bog the story of my journey towards becoming a writer. This was quite the most original concept ever, an idea so damned spanking it had its own card in a SoHo phone booth ("do you like blogging? Attractive slim blog will do EVERYTHING and MORE! Reasonable rates, ring this number and prepare to be blogged every which way!"). It was a win-win-win situation: I would be incentivised to write regularly, what with the bells and whistles of flashy-splashy HTML being so much more enticing than my boring old journal and fountain pen. It's one of the few solitary pleasures that can be indulged at at work, without anyone knowing (list of others available on request...). I'd slowly but surely build up a steady fanbase, helpless to resist the satiny-like smoothness of my prose, my cap-askance quirky outlook and heeeelarious observations on the inconguity that is the monde du jour. And from there it would just be a hop, skip and a jump to the kind of publishing deal that would leave future generations asking "Stephanie Klein, who she?!"

It all seemed so darned easy, easy i tells ya.....

......and then I discovered that Richard Herring had had had the nerve to nick my idea before I had even bloody well thought of it.....

ah well, read his blog here:

It's good.

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