Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Victory for the little writer

So, many many moons ago the nasty people at Writer's Forum declined to pay me for a story they had published (see post below)....

This was a bittersweet experience for me: on the one hand I was thrilled to be published, but on the other I was annoyed that we litle writers were seen as so dispensible and unimportant that upholding their end of the payment deal was optional.

I'm nothing if not determined and pro-active, so i logged onto and filed a court order for the non-payment, including the £30 fee for issue of the order and £20.00 to cover lost interest and time wasted spent chasing the blasted non-payment.

I had a cheque for the lot within five days.


Of course they'll never publish me again, but I can do without that sort of "help" in the early stages of my career.

Lesson learnt: writers have agents because they get screwed over a lot a lot a lot.

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